Photo Courtesy of Biography
I bet that if I were to ask you who this man pictured to the left is that you would have no idea, that is a shame considering he made a very important improvement in the field of medicine and with out him every time anyone went in for surgery they would have a 45%-50% chance of dying. This man is  Joseph Lister and he is considered the "founder of antiseptic medicine" (Biography). Joseph Lister should be considered a legend because without him, who knows when this discovery would of been made and where we would be in this day an age without him.
Joseph Lister noticed that when doctors would just go from patient to patient after operating on them, that the chances of passing germs and diseases from person to person were greatly increased. After this discovery he required that the doctors working for him wash their hands every time they worked on a patient. This drastically decreased the chances of doctors passing diseases or other germs from patient to patient.
Just think about it, if it weren't for Joseph Lister, doctors still might not be washing their hands after they see each patient and doctors' offices and hospitals might not be the sterile places we know today and why he should be considered a legend.

Works Cited

"Joseph Lister." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Mar 21 2013, 08:20 http://www.biography.com/people/joseph-lister-37032.

There recently was an article that I read that claimed if you brought your dog to gym with you, your success rate would be much higher than if you were riding solo at the gym. The article explained that there was a gym in Chicago that offered a pet friendly workout class where members were encouraged to come and workout with their pooches. The class even offers a way for the dogs to get a workout as well.
I think that this is an amazing finding and that many more gyms should be willing to offer this pet friendly experience. I know that I would go to the gym way more often if I was able to bring my dog with me.
I recently read an article about how in New York the mayor is proposing a legislation that would keep cigarets out of sight anywhere that would sell them. The only way for the cigarettes to been seen would be if they were being restocked or a customer would buy them. This proposal is in hopes that with not being able to see cigarettes on the shelves it will be less tempting for both smokers and non smokers to purchase them, as well as to stop making smoking look like it is an approved everyday habit.
Whenever I hear something on the topic of doing things to make smoking seem less appealing or to show the negative effects that smoking has, I always wonder, if smoking is so bad and harmful to not only the people smoking but the innocent by-standards as well, why doesn't the government just do away with smoking all together? Smoking in my opinion is just like any other illegal drug. There are obviously zero health benefits and I have never seen anything good come from smoking. If the government is really as concerned with our health as they make it seem then why not do away with the cancer sticks?