As the child of a parent with diabetes I am always trying to keep fit as well as up to date with studies about diabetes. In a recent study I read, it claimed that women who ate walnuts were less likely to get diabetes compared to those who did not eat walnuts on a regular basis. Walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and these may be what helps with the prevention of the disease. It was also found that women who switched over to eating walnuts on a more regular basis ate more fish, worked out more, and were overall more healthy than those who didn't eat walnuts.

                               Works Cited

Bakalar, Nicholas. "Walnuts for Diabetes." New York Times. 08 Apr 2013: 1. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.

Sometimes it take tragic events in order to better improve on things that help to deal with the aftermath of those events, like war. I recently read an article that said that all of the experience doctors have now with soldiers loosing limbs during the war have significantly helped in the advancement of artificial limbs. Now there are artificial limbs that are for different terrain, ones that are more lighter and comfortable and artificial limbs for different events like hiking, skiing, and even rock climbing.
Not only has technology come a long way in the way of artificial limbs, but their have also been huge advances in the way that limb injuries have been treated. The time in which limb wounds heal now are a lot faster then in the past. Now with military doctors being so knowledgeable on how to treat limb wounds, they are now able to better train doctors that may not have all the experience with missing limbs like military doctors do, better preparing other doctors for tragic events like those that occurred recently at the Boston marathon.
Photo Courtesy of Gulf Coast Humane Society
Recently I volunteered at the Gulf Coast Humane Society, a not-for-profit shelter that not only is a no-kill shelter, but also rescues cats and dogs from shelters that DO euthanize their animals.
Even though some might find it a little sad to visit a shelter I found it the opposite, I found that volunteering at the shelter was quite rewarding. Whenever I was playing with one of the animals, I found that both the animal as well as myself were happy.
I have always been a big believer in pets serving as a way of therapy, not only for the person, but also for the pet. Whether sick or simply down in the dumps, I have always found that playing with a pet always puts me in a better mood.
I'm not the only one who has found this miracle cure, many hospitals use dogs and cats as therapy animals for people who just need a little cheering up.
If you have not found a furry friend to keep you happy there is a fine selection of both cats and dogs to choose from at the Gulf Coast Humane Society.
Some may wonder what writing may have to do with science and technology or how it is even important to the subject, but it is in fact very important. Without writing, how would we know anything about new findings in both the science and technology fields? Writing can be specifically important to the field of science in order to publish finding or to help take the proper medical notes. In the case of a doctor having to take proper notes of certain medical issues or notes for surgery, writing can be more vital than one would think. If proper documentation isn't taken, it could ultimately be a life saver . Writing can also be important to both science and technology in the case of writing books or journals. They might not be the most fun things to read, but yes there are books on medical and technology subjects. Without writing that wouldn't be possible.
Photo Courtesy of Biography
I bet that if I were to ask you who this man pictured to the left is that you would have no idea, that is a shame considering he made a very important improvement in the field of medicine and with out him every time anyone went in for surgery they would have a 45%-50% chance of dying. This man is  Joseph Lister and he is considered the "founder of antiseptic medicine" (Biography). Joseph Lister should be considered a legend because without him, who knows when this discovery would of been made and where we would be in this day an age without him.
Joseph Lister noticed that when doctors would just go from patient to patient after operating on them, that the chances of passing germs and diseases from person to person were greatly increased. After this discovery he required that the doctors working for him wash their hands every time they worked on a patient. This drastically decreased the chances of doctors passing diseases or other germs from patient to patient.
Just think about it, if it weren't for Joseph Lister, doctors still might not be washing their hands after they see each patient and doctors' offices and hospitals might not be the sterile places we know today and why he should be considered a legend.

Works Cited

"Joseph Lister." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Mar 21 2013, 08:20

There recently was an article that I read that claimed if you brought your dog to gym with you, your success rate would be much higher than if you were riding solo at the gym. The article explained that there was a gym in Chicago that offered a pet friendly workout class where members were encouraged to come and workout with their pooches. The class even offers a way for the dogs to get a workout as well.
I think that this is an amazing finding and that many more gyms should be willing to offer this pet friendly experience. I know that I would go to the gym way more often if I was able to bring my dog with me.
I recently read an article about how in New York the mayor is proposing a legislation that would keep cigarets out of sight anywhere that would sell them. The only way for the cigarettes to been seen would be if they were being restocked or a customer would buy them. This proposal is in hopes that with not being able to see cigarettes on the shelves it will be less tempting for both smokers and non smokers to purchase them, as well as to stop making smoking look like it is an approved everyday habit.
Whenever I hear something on the topic of doing things to make smoking seem less appealing or to show the negative effects that smoking has, I always wonder, if smoking is so bad and harmful to not only the people smoking but the innocent by-standards as well, why doesn't the government just do away with smoking all together? Smoking in my opinion is just like any other illegal drug. There are obviously zero health benefits and I have never seen anything good come from smoking. If the government is really as concerned with our health as they make it seem then why not do away with the cancer sticks?
Recently I had to watch I, Robot a movie set in the future where there are robots that are made to do ultimately anything that the humans want them to. They even do things on their own without being told what to do. These robots did everything, from running errands to saving human lives. This got me thinking, even if there were such advances in technology, would we even want or need these kinds of robots?
Even today there are robots in the medical field that can do things that years ago were being done by humans. I was reading an article the other day that was talking about a robot that can be used to cut people open during surgery! I don't know about you, but I much rather have a person hack me open than a robot. I understand that robots are being used now and days because they are faster and more accurate that humans, but technology messes up too! It's not a perfected science. I'm always taking either my cell phone or computer or even my car in because there is something messing up.
Another reason why I don't think that robots should be used, at least in the medical profession is because there would be no human interaction. I understand that during surgery you're not having a conversation with the doctor, but if things keep going the way they are we might have some kind of robot checking on patients rather than nurses. 
Photo Courtesy of "Service Dog Hosue"
I'm sure at some point in your life you have seen a dog with a reflective or blue vest on. Most likely what you saw was a service dog. When most people think of service dogs they probably think of a dog helping to lead a blind or disabled person, but service dogs aren't limited to just those two thins, they can also help heal people.

What people may not know is that service dogs can be used as a sort of treatment for people who are in the hospital. There are many instances where a service dog may be brought in to visit a patient to cheer them up and make them feel better. Doing so serves as a type of therapy for sick patients or just those that are stuck in the hospital.

I believe that science and technology not only an important part of life, but it is also necessary. Some might say that science and technology are two different fields that hove nothing to do with each other, in reality, science and technology work together hand in hand. Without one, the other might cease to exist. The advances made in technology help to develop new theories in science and vice versa. Without science and technology we might not even be able to survive the common cold. Thus showing what a major role science and technology play in our day-to-day lives.